Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar) Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar)
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seeking the truth through karate-do
- philosophy or fact

Many may say what has this got to do with the study of karate-do. What has my tzuki or keri have do
with truth or the search for truth. Amongst the earliest things that I learnt in karate was that fear can only be
overcome by cold truth. What are we afraid of ? For those who diligently practice of karate-do, this
simple statement speaks volumes. If we train with the sole purpose of seeking perfection of technique,
we seek to overcome our physical weaknesses. However physical perfection alone is not enough
as there are those intangible imperfections that need to be eliminated changed, or just improved
upon. The first one and the most common one being fear. This is in our minds and is not a physical
object that we can expell when needed. Yet by training and facing fear whilst doing kumite, we face our
fear and try to overcome it. By constant and diligent training we build our confidence to a level where we
overcome our fears.

Another is the virtue of patience - In karate in order to overcome the trait of impatience we practice
patience by training our mind & body to wait in order to achieve perfection of timing of the technique.
A good fighter's face is imperceptible. In order to portray an impassivity in the face and eyes, we must
seek to control our emotions. In order to discern a feint, from the real thing, we seek to know truth from
falsehood. The spirit knows no fear and in karate we seek to make our spirit strong.
We go about this by learning to seek within ourselves the truth. Through our search for truth,
we learn about our fears,about our weaknesses and our strengths, and by understanding them
learn how to use them for our betterment. This search for the truth within our own selves comes
with the understanding of the physical training of the body. The more we train the more we understand
our shortcomings. The acceptance of our shortcomings by itself is the acceptance of the truth about
ourselves. By training ourselves to overcome these shortcomings, we seek perfection of charectar. This
perfection of charectar can only come about when we seek, understand and accept the truth whether it
be about ourselves or the world at large.

About the author
Sensei Anand Ratna is the Authorized Representative of the JKA in India and the Technical Director of the JKA
India Branch. A JKA 6thDan he is amongst the very few Non Japanese holding the A kyu JKA Judges license
in the World. At the National Level he is a member of the Directing Committee of All India Karate-doFederation,
the Coach of the National All Style Team,  a member of the Referee Council of India and the official examiner
for the Shotokan Ryu at the Federation Level. He is a qualified Judge at the Asian Karate Federation level.