for Kihon or Fundamentals |
What is Kihon The
Fundamentals or kihon are the most important aspect of karate training. Hence Kihon covers every aspect of Karate training. Kihon in karate-do can be compared to the foundation of a building- no matter how beautiful a building may look, unless the foundation
is good, the building will always be weak. There is a saying that the karate of JKA begins and ends with the three Ks - Kihon, Kata & Kumite however both Kata and Kumite depend on correct Kihon to be good. Therefore whether it be the course of the movement, the speed of the movement, the strength of the movement, the posture required, the correct musculature to be used, the correct form of breathing, all these are factors that comprise the practice of Kihon.
A story often told in the
dojo is of 3 pigs and the wolf where the one with a strong house is
the only one able to withstand the attempts of the wolf. Kihon is
like that. If one's kihon is strong, one's karate is strong is something a sensei
always stresses on. |