Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar)   Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar)
Over the years the Dadar Dojo has had various Karate Teachers teach the Dojo students. This page is about the Instructors who have influenced instruction at the Dadar Dojo. In our 35th Year, the Dadar Dojo pays humble homage to these great teachers, most of them legends in the World of Karate.
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Sasaki Shoichi Shihan Sasaki Yoshitaka SenseiTakenori Imura Sensei
Tanaka Masahiko Shihan Tomio Imamura SenseiKatsutoshi Shiina Sensei
Masaaki Ueki SenseiFujikiyo Omura Sensei Yasunori Ogura Sensei
Kazuaki Kurihara Sensei Keisuke Nemoto Sensei  

Sasaki Shihan is our Chief Instructor or Shihan and is the Direct Instructor of Anand Sensei. Sasaki Shihan has been connected with the Dadar Dojo for the past 35 years and it was in our dojo that Shihan brought the JKA to India.Sasaki Shihan was born on the 28th of June, 1941 in Honjyo City,Akita Prefecture, Japan. After finishing school, he entered the Nihon University in the Veternary and Agricultural Department where he got the Bachelor of Animal Science & Agriculture. Upon joining the University, he enrolled in the Nihon University Karate Club. While entering the third year of his university,he was appointed as the Captain of the Karate Club. In 1962 he won the First Place at Team Competition of Kanto (East Japan) Students Karate Tournament. The Universities of Japan are the breeding ground of great Instructors andthe Nihon University is no different. This university is also the Alma Mater of such great Teachers as Yutaka Yaguchi Shihan of the U.S andthe legendary karate genius Masahiko Tanaka Shihan who is now the Dy.Chief Instructor of the JKA, the great kata world Champion,Takenori Imura Shihan and many other instructors around the world. He holds the 7 Dan of black belt and is a member of the Shihan-Kai of the JKA. He is the Head of the Tohoku Region of JKA and is the Chief Instructor for the Akita Prefecture. Sasaki Shihan has been associated with the JKA India from the day of it's inception and has visited the country every year to conduct the National Tournament and impart training to the members of JKAIndia. In order to raise the level of Instruction in India, Sasaki Sensei has brought out a series of Instructor Manuals for the Instructors of the JKA India Branch. In 2004 whilst the Indian Team was in his dojo, Sasaki Shihan suffered a stroke, t his illness prompted him to request his brother, a former JKA Headquarters Instructor to help him with his instructruction in India. Therefore during his annual visits to India for the past few years, Shihan is accompanied by Yoshitaka Sensei.

Sasaki Yoshitaka Sensei is a graduate of the Komazawa University famous for it's karate club and rivals the Takshoku University in it's karate luminaries. While in the University Yoshitaka Sensei was famous as a karate player and joined the Instructors Course as special inductee along with the legends Osaka Sensei & Yahara Sensei and completing the course with them in 1972. This batch has generally been considered as the most famous one.Yoshitaka Sensei accompanied his brother during their first visit to India while he was still teaching in the JKA Headquarters. He has come to India around 6 times so far bringing with his his juniors in the JKA Headquarters Instructors like Mori, the JKA World Champion, Sakata, the All JKA Champion. Due to illness in his family Yoshitaka Sensei gave up his Instructors job at JKA Head Quarters to look after his family. In gratitude for the cure of his dear ones, he took up the vocation of a priest,and whenever time permitted him he taught at his brother's dojo in Honjyo. Over the years Yoshitaka Sensei has been directly responsible for Anand Sensei's training during his annual visits to Japan ensuring that he was always present whilst Anand Sensei was training there. Upon his older brother's request Yoshitaka Sensei has taken up the responsibility of teaching the members of JKA India since 2004.

Takenori Imura. Shihan A legend in the JKA, Imura sensei has won the Kata Title at the Shoto Cup and All Japan many times. A graduate of the same university as Sasaki Shihan, Imura Sensei has visited India in 2000, 2005,2009 &2010 putting in immense effort to ensure that techniques are learned correctly. Imura Shihan now holds the position of Managing Director of the JKA. 

Fujikiyo Oumura Shihan was the first JKA Headquarters Instructor officially invited by the JKA India in 1989. A graduate of the Takshoku University and the JKA Instructor course, Omura Sensei is an All Japan Kumite Champion and a fantastic teacher. Having moved to Bangkok years ago, he is the Chief Instructor for Thailand and as the Secretary General of the Asian Region, he has been the host to the delegates of the JKA Asia Oceania Seminars since inception. Omura Sensei has now become the Director of the JKA W/F from the Asia Region.

Tomio Imamura Shihan is a graduate of the Takshoku University and a graduate of the Instructor course. He visited India with the JKF team and great instructor that he is, he consented to teach the seniors members of the JKA Bombay branch during the little spare time he had at the Dadar Dojo.Imamura Sensei is a legend in the JKA for his Kumite having won the Shoto Cup and the All Japan a number of times.

Katsutoshi Shiina Sensei was also part of the JKF Team to India he consented to teach the seniors of the JKA Bombay branch at the Dadar Dojo. Shiina Sensei is famous for both his Kata and his Kumite. He has won the Shoto Cup & the All Japan in Kata as well and the kumite title in the All Japan

Tanaka Masahiko Shihan is the Dy. Chief Instructor of the JKA. Tanaka Shihan was born on the 24th February 1941 in Tokyo. He joined the Nihon University in the Veternary and Agricultural Department and was Sasaki Sensei's Senior by one year. Tanaka Shihan is considered a legend in the JKA. He retired undefeated as the World Kumite Champion. Tanaka Shihan was the guest instructor for the thirty years celebration of the JKA India Branch and has been Anand Sensei's examiner since he gave his first instructor's licence in 1992.Tanaka Shihan has published the book and the Video "Hasha"
Ogura Yasunori Sensei is the General Manager of the Foreign Affairs Division of the JKA Headquarters. He along with Kurihara sensei came to India in 2008 when the JKA India Branch hosted them for the Mumbai Festival in cooperation with the Japanese Consulate. Ogura Sensei is from the Taisho University which also has another Legend IIda Sensei in it;s Alumni. Ogura Sensei graduated from the Instructor Class in 1982. He has been a JKA Champion in Kumite and is known for his impeccable kihon.
Kurihara Kazuaki Sensei is a graduate of the famous Komazawa University. Considered by many as the next wonderboy of the JKA, Kurihara Sensei has already twice become the World Champion in Kata, the Grand Champion of the JKA by winning both Kata and Kumite titles in 2011 and being undefeated in kata in the JKA since 2006. He graduated from the Instructor Class in 2004. In 2008 he visited India and gave a demostration of Kata during the Mumbai Festival to a awestruck audience of JKA India members.

Ueki Masaaki Shihan is the Chief Instructor of the JKA.Born in Tokyo on March 24th, 1939, he attended the Asia University. Ueki Sensei started Karate from the 3rd year of high school. After attending University he entered the Instructor Course of the Japan Karate Association and graduated in the the year 1962. Ueki sensei is known for his spectacular technical ability. He has won the 1st place in kata in the 8th (1965) , 9th (1966), 10th (1967) , 11th(1968) 14th(1971), 17th (1974) & 18th (1975) All Japan Karate Championships. He has also won the 1st Place in Kumite in the 11th All Japan and was placed 2nd in the 8th & 14th at each of these champiosnhips he was proclaimed as the Tournament Grand Champion. Ueki Shihan came to India in 2011 for the JKAI's 35 years celebrations.

Nemoto Keisuke Sensei is 2004 graduate of the Instructor Course. He completed his university education in the Chiba Industrial University. Born on May 31st 1979, Nemoto Keisuke Sensei has enormous talent and was placed 3rd in Individual Kumite in the 10th Funakoshi Gichin World Karate Championships in 2006 at Sydney, Australia He was also the All Japan Kumite Champion in 2010. A young instructor, Nemoto Sensei accompanied Shuseki Shihan Ueki during his 2011 vist to India and impressed one and all with his teaching.