Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar)   Nihon Karate Kyokai (Dadar)
10th Funakoshi Gichin World Karate Championships - Sydney August 2006
Sensei Anand Ratna and Neeraj Dhawan pictured here with the various JKA Senior Instructors.
Anand Sensei became the first Non Japanese Asian to become a Chief Refree at the World Shoto Cup.
Neeraj Dhawan passed his Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) at the World Championships in Sydney 2006.

With Sensei Stan Schmidt Chief Instructor of South Africa

With Takahashi Shunsuke Sensei             

With Imura Sensei & Imamura Sensei. Both these Senseis have won the World Cup in the past. With Sensei Okamoto Chief Instructor of the Middle East and Sensei Takeshi Oishii of the JKA HQ.   

Indian Team members with Japanese HQ Instructors participants in the World Cup.
Seated L to R A. Pai Deni Pala, , IIasalokki Lyngdoh, S.Desai, D. Yakap & K. Bhosle.
Standing L to R,
Okuma Sensei, Nemoto Sensei, Anand Ratna, Linza Syiem, Kiwi Passah, Kobayashi Sensei & Neeraj Dhawan

Photo courtesy Neeraj Dhawan

Neeraj Dhawan and Anand Ratna outside the hall in front of the World Cup Banner
after Dhawan passed his Godan at the Championships
Photo courtesy Neeraj Dhawan
With the Kiwi Instructors including Karl Naoroji

Photo courtesy Neeraj Dhawan
  hotos of the World Cup courtesy Neeraj Dhawan

Standing left to right :
Fujiiko Omura sensei 7th Dan JKA HQ instructor and Chief instructor JKA Thailand
MasaakiUke sensei 8th dan, JKA HQ Permanent Instructor and MD of JKA W/F . Anand Ratna JKA India, Masahiko Tanaka sensei 8th Dan HQ Permanent Instructor and Dy.MD of JKA W/F,
Shunsuke Takahashi 8th Dan JKA HQ Instructor and Chief Instructor of Australia and New Zealand
Photo courtesy : Paul Choy JKA Malaysia